
What are the best foods for the summer?

The hot weather is not always conducive to not eating, but in order to be in good condition, we should eat frequent but small meals. An apple or handful of berries will provide the necessary for the body  carbohydrates. This way you can replace one of the main meals.

№ 1: Carrots - contain fiber, and beta-carotene, which causes our body to keep summer tan longer.
№ 2: Lettuce - rich in folic acid, making it ideal for strengthening the nervous system, especially in pregnant and nursing mothers.
№ 3: Watermelon - a positive effect on the kidneys and intestines at the same time contains almost no calories.
№ 4: Spinach - nourishes the body with salts and trace elements.
№ 5: Grapes - contain fiber, organic acids, ascorbic acid, vitamin C, pectin, minerals, enzymes. Grapes are an excellent source of antioxidants that help us stay young longer.
 Beets diet
№ 6: Beets - helps the body to remove excess fluid, preventing constipation and contain fiber, which play an important role in the fight against fat, fatigue and depression.
 № 7: Blueberries - a remedy against many diseases because it contains antioxidants that destroy free radicals in the body. Blueberries improve blood circulation, while reducing body fat in the abdomen.
№ 8: Pepper - all kinds of peppers are a rich source of vitamins A, C and K.
 № 9: Green Tea - Ottawa is known that green tea burns fat. It also contains many antioxidants. Based on green tea can prepare a tasty and healthy drink for summer.

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