
Protein Diet for vegans

Protein Diet for vegans

It is very difficult to lose weight when you're a vegetarian, especially by protein diet, because most protein sources of animal origin.

Protein diet for vegetarians can be done for a period of 2-4 weeks, then you should start eating more and with a variety of foods, because  limiting of food for a long period of time is not healthy.

The best vegetarian protein source is Tofu. I know most of you do not like it, but that is because you never cook it properly. Below there are delicious diet recipes with tofu.

Monday - 1100 calories 

Breakfast - 100g raw avocado (160 calories) with tomatoes (eat them on the belly) and 50 grams low fat tofu (70 calories). Cut the avocados and tomatoes, add some salt and vinegar. Do not add oil, because avocado is rich enough. If you have no avocado, then add 3 tablespoons olive oil Extra virgin (not oil). Snack - a medium-sized apple (200 grams). If you can drink a soy protein shake.

Lunch - 100 g cooked brown rice (110 calories) 150 grams low fat tofu (210 calories). You can cook rice and tofu together, add a podrpavki to taste (pepper, paprika, savory ...), do not put fat. Brown rice, if not pre-soaked boil half an hour! IT is allowed salad tomatoes and cucumbers or cabbage or lettuce.

After lunch - a cup of low fat soy milk. I personally did not like the taste, drink it through a straw so that it enters directly into the throat (sorry, but this package is a high protein diet for vegetarians). This is 80-100 calories zavismost brand of soy milk.

Supper - a bowl of thick lentil soup, 200 grams of drained lentils. That's about 220 calories.

Tuesday - 1150 calories 

Broccoli and low fat tofu salad protein diet

Breakfast - a banana about 200 grams - 180 calories.

Snack - a glass of low fat soy milk or protein shake.
Lunch - Boil 200 grams broccoli (70 calories) 200 grams low fat tofu (280 calories). Cut broccoli and tofu into small pieces, add salt and cook 10 minutes, drain and eat.
Afternoon - 50 grams of raw nuts - 320 calories.
Dinner - Boil 1 cup of peas with 2 chopped tomatoes, add the spices. Serve with parsley. 200 calories.


Wednesday - 1400 calories 

 Tofu diet for vegans


Breakfast - pour boiling water 3 tablespoons of oats - 200 calories, add half a tablespoon of honey - 150 calories.
Snack - 50 grams of raw almonds - 280 calories.
Lunch - Cut 200 g zucchini (30 calories), add 200 grams low fat tofu (280 calories) and bake in oven for 20-30 minutes. Serve with dill.
Afternoon - a pear and protein shake - 200 calories.
Dinner - a large bowl bean stew cooked without fat or a little olive oil (to account for no more than 1 tablespoon of olive oil per person / per cup).


Thursday - 1150 calories 

 Sweet potato with tofu protein diet
Breakfast - 100 grams of bread (about 2 slices Bonus) smash a raw tomato with 50 grams low fat tofu, salt, brush the bread with this mixture.
Snack - protein shake.
Lunch - baked potato 200 grams with 100 grams tofu.
Snack - an apple.
Dinner - soup with tofu and leeks. Cut 200 grams tofu, add leeks and cook with garlic and salt for about 20 minutes. Sorry if you are tired of tofu, but this is the best source of protein for vegetarians.

Friday - 1100 calories 

 kiwi protein diet
Breakfast - 300 g kiwi
Snack - 50 grams of raw pumpkin seeds (peeled).
Lunch - Cook 200 grams of tofu with 2 chopped tomatoes, add 1 tablespoon olive oil and simmer for 20 minutes. Serve with basil.
Afternoon - 200g raw carrots. Wash them and cut lengthwise into thin strips. Squeeze a lemon into a cup, add salt and place the carrot slices in a bowl. Thus carrots become more juicy and delicious.
Dinner - 300 grams of cooked lentils, you can cook with vegetables - tomatoes, carrots, garlic.

Saturday - 1100 calories 

 Grapefruit protein diet
Breakfast - a large grapefruit
Snack - 200 g raw red peppers.
Lunch - 200 g spinach stew with 200 grams tofu, add 1 tablespoon olive oil, salt and spices.
Afternoon - 50 grams of raw almonds.
Dinner - stew 200 grams potatoes 2 tomatoes, 2 red peppers and garlic, add spices.


Sunday - 1300 calories 

 Spaghetti tomato sauce and tofu protein diet
Breakfast - an apple
Snack - 300 grams melon (or apple again).
Lunch - 200 g spaghetti (200 grams after being cooked). Prepare tomato sauce and tofu. 100 g tofu stew with 2 sliced ​​tomatoes.
Afternoon - protein shake, or 50 grams raw hazelnuts.
Supper - a bowl of thick lentil soup 300 grams.

Additional information protein diet for vegetarians:

 If 1100-1300 calories a day are not enough for you, then add 2 more fruit per day, one in the morning and the other for an afternoon snack. You can also increase the amount of tofu. Protein shakes in your diet are not binding and do not usually recommend their frequent drinking, but since this is an easy way to obtain protein, so I've included. It's OK to drink protein shakes, a problem is if you eat with them and not eat food that needs grinding. Where to find a protein shake - at grocery supplements, usually people who train in the gym know where there are shops. For vegetarians, soy protein is appropriate, look to no sugar and carbohydrates to him under 15%. Usually the packaging of the protein has a measuring spoon, which is a dose Pour a little water and whisk, then add more water - this is a protein shake.

Tofu, especially low-fat is an excellent source of protein especially for vegetarians. There are different types / trademarks tofu and they have a different taste. Try them to find one you like best (I personally like tofu cooked in soup or something, but not clean).

Nuts are very healthy food, but are high in calories. Between the diet limit it to 50 grams per meal.

Vegetables -  no restrictions, because they contain fiber and help your body to throw out toxins and keep your belly full (decreased appetite). If the evening before falling asleep experiencing hunger, then overeat with salad just did not put oil. Salt and vinegar are allowed, come and 1 tablespoon olive oil. Limit potatoes because they have a lot of carbohydrates.

If you are a vegetarian who eats milk, eggs and cheese, then you can substitute tofu with egg whites. 100 g tofu can be replaced with 3-4 egg whites. Cheese can eat up to 100 grams per day. Egg whites are 100% protein, so it is not limited, but cheese is oily, so I put a restriction. advantageprocessors

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