
Low carb diet/Low carbohydrate diet

Low carb diet/Low carbohydrate diet 


Low carbohydrate diet is one effective way to lose weight. The problem with most diets is that they are complicated, cooking and want to eat at certain times. This low-carb diet is designed to help people who are super busy and want to lose weight without cooking and intricate patterns to follow.

In the morning, drink coffee or tea better without sugar.

Before lunch - drink a cup of yogurt, mixed with water.

For lunch, eat as much as you like sirloin, tenderloin or can only fillet with salad (salad is fresh vegetables can not be Snow White, Russian, potatoes or other packaged salad - only fresh vegetables are allowed). Do not eat bread.

For dinner, eat as you want filet permitted is again just a salad of fresh vegetables. If 2 times a day eat 150 g fillet - that are 300 grams per day. Of course, big man will eat more than average height woman, so every man for himself determines how much to eat - no maximum amount, but it is important to detect for 1 day to consider how much you need for 1 week low carb diet.

Shopping list for the week: 

  • Coffee or tea. 
  • 7 yoghurts - you can take a variety of different brands. 
  • 2-3 pounds of meat fillets (if you eat 300g a day 7 days - 2 kg and 100 grams per week). Take 7 different types, each packaged separately so you'll know that you take a bag of food for the day and the office is provided. For example: 300 grams chicken, 300 grams of beef, turkey 300 g, 300 g pork, 300 g any other type and thus seven different types to a variety during the week. 
  • Vegetables, if you plan to make salads - tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, onions, parsley, lettuce. 

Additional foods that are allowed during the low carb diet: 

  • Eggs (boiled)
  • Cheese in small quantities because they are fat. 
  • Bread in small quantities - 1 slice per day. 
  • Olives - 5-10 per day. 
  • Oatmeal - 2 tablespoons per day. 
  • All fresh vegetables. 
  • Baked fish. 
  • Peas, beans, lentils - 3 times a week for lunch, 1 cup, without bread, salad 

Prohibited foods and beverages while you are on a low carb diet:

  • White bread 
  • Carbonated drinks - they contain lots of sugar and are the main problem for many people because when you drink 1 liter Coca Cola you are still hungry and yet you are packed with sugar. If you are used to drinking lots of carbonated drinks, if you stop drinking them without additional diet, you will lose weight.
  • Alcohol, even beer 
  • Sweet things + fruit
  • Fried
  • Rice - 2-3 spoons of boiled rice are not a problem, such as trimming the fillet, but not more.
  • Potatoes - 100 g boiled potatoes per day are also ok, but no more. For example, instead of a slice of bread can be eaten cooked 100 g (in any case fried) potatoes or 2-3 tablespoons of cooked rice. 
  • Fruit - contains many carbohydrates. It's okay to eat an apple 2-3 times per week or 1 orange or another, but overall fruits are high in carbohydrates and avoid during low carb diet. 
  • Juices - without feeling loaded with carbohydrates. In addition to juices have sugar and preservatives. If much you drink juice, then let it be fresh, but you know that 1 cup of juice made from fruit and 2-3 are a lot of carbs. 
  • Sauces
  • Pizzas, cakes, pastries, cakes, pastries

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