We offer one of the most effective fruit healthy diets.
With blueberries you will not only lose weight but also you will get a large dose of vitamins and minerals that help your body cleanse itself from toxins. Blueberries are an incredible antioxidant. They contain high amounts of minerals - calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamins - A, PP, B, and C, pectin, organic acids. If you regularly consume cranberry extract or as part of our diet, it will improve your vision and you will be protected from diseases of the eye. In addition to that, it will keep your blood sugar to normal and will rejuvenate the body.
It should be noted that fresh cranberry juice regulates the activity of the digestive system, helps with constipation and volvulus. Use the blueberry diet for not more than three days because you do not need fast weight loss and fat burning.
During the diet food menu should include: fresh blueberries, yogurt (fat content should not exceed 2.5%), low-fat sour cream, low fat cottage cheese.
Sample menu for the diet with blueberries:
First breakfast: half a cup of fresh blueberries, 100g yogurt, 1 tsp sour cream.
Second breakfst: A cocktail of 125 ml. yogurt and blueberries (one cup).
Lunch: half cup of blueberries, 100g yogurt, 1 ch.k. sour cream, yogurt cup clean.
Brunch: a cocktail of 100 g yogurt and blueberries (half cup).
Dinner: 125 g cocktail of yogurt and one cup of blueberries.
One hour before bedtime take 100 g cottage cheese, mixed with half cup of blueberries. For three days with this diet you can get rid of 3 kg.
If you want to see more Healthy Famous Diets, check the links on the top of the page
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